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I began training in 1995 and on graduating in 1999 I became a member of the Nation Institute of Medical Herbalist (NIMH) and joined a multidisciplinary clinic including a GP surgery. I now practice from my home surrounded by the plants I use.
I completed an MSc in herbal medicine in 2006.
I run seminars, practical workshops and herb walks and derive huge pleasure from talking to people and teaching them about the amazing power of the plants that grow around us.
I spent a good deal of my childhood in and out of Great Ormond Street Hospital. By my teens, I was living an ordinary, healthy life, but my formative years had given me a deep interest in medicine.
I met and married my husband in my early twenties, and we brought up our three sons on our farm in Oxfordshire. During this time I developed a passion for the land and became very interested in self-sufficiency and living in harmony with my environment. A link between my two passions: plants and medicine, very soon suggested following the path of Medical Herbalist.
I am passionate about helping people to understand their own unique bodies and how to care for them.
How the timely use of whole plant medicines, nutritious natural food and a connection to the natural world can bring about profound changes in physical, mental and spiritual health.
Herbal Medicine, respecting your uniqueness
I work with busy stressed out women so they can have less anxiety, more energy and better sleep.
From early adulthood through the hormonal upheaval of middle years when both grandchildren and aging parents can pull on our emotions, stress seems to be an ever present factor of modern life.
For all stages of a woman's life, Maiden, Mother, Sage, plants provide a gentle non habit forming way to balance our bodies and our emotions, enabling us to cope with the inevitable stresses of life more easily.
I have a particular interest in headaches and migraines and the debilitating effect this unseen pain can have on a sufferers life.
The causes are many and often hidden. My aim is to help you identify your individual causes and to work with you to find solutions that work for you.
Real health is so much more than the absence of disease.
It is the health we build for ourselves.
Treating your body with seasonal medicines, foods and lifestyle choices can make a huge difference to your vitality.
Learning about your 'body type' (warm/cool, moist/dry) makes disease prevention more specific and treatment more accurate.
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